All about quality!

All about quality!

Welcome to the VOGA blog where you will be kept updated on any exciting news, extra information about our products and beyond.

When deciding to start VOGA, the quality of the products was at the top of my mind.

Being able to find clothes and accessories that are high quality but at an affordable price can feel impossible sometimes. Whilst our scarves are reasonably priced, we have ensured we have used the highest quality silk. In this way we hope to combat fast fashion and be more sustainable by providing a high-quality durable scarf that can be worn in various ways.

All the scarves are 100% silk twill which means they have a smooth and silky feel without looking shiny. The silk material is great for a headscarf as it doesn’t lead to any hair breakages and feels comfy as it doesn’t tug on your hair whilst still feeling secure. 

The versatility and high-quality silk that the scarves are made out of means that you are buying a very high-quality product for a great price, keeping everyone happy and ensuring you can still play your part in the sustainable fashion movement.

Hope you love your scarf as much as I do!

Cece xx


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